Under the Skin
HD video, 16:40min, 2019
Zooming into two books containing mug shots from around 1880–1935, Under the Skin, draws lines from historical events to contemporary developments of control and surveillance.
While describing what she sees in the books, the narrator intertwines subject areas like; how time changes perspectives on historical events, the role of archives as foundations for power and control, the possible brutality of bureaucracy, the current state of facial recognition and personal experience with the law enforcement. Under the Skin questions given structures of power and asks how we can take back the sovereignty of information.
31.3.2023; At Your Earliest Convenience; CALM, Lausanne
22.10.2021–9.1.2022; Vidéosurveillance, Sur-prise du visible; Lavoir numérique; Gentilly (FR)
23.1.–18.4.2021; Memory; Kunstmuseum Olten (CH)
28.2.2020; Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin; Louvre, Paris (FR)
28.8.2020; Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin; Haus der Kulturen, Berlin (DE)
25.5.+1.6.2019; VideoEx; Zurich (CH)
2019; Kurzfilmtage Recommendations; Shortfilm Festival Winterthur (CH)
Voice over: Lillian Ross-Millard