Borders are speculative fictions with real consequences. As writer Georges Perec once noted, borders are lines ‘for which millions of people have died.’ Borders govern our lives: there is no place on earth you can live without being inside a set of someone’s borders and under their authority. I’m here, you are there, we are on this side, they are on the other side, ad infinitum.
For the project –×–=+ artists Claudia Barth and Christof Nüssli will plant seven flags at seven points on a self-appointed north-south line through Switzerland. This work is a physical comment on an abstraction. The symbols on the flag (–×–=+) are a playful deconstruction of the monolithic simplicity of the Swiss flag. Flags are almost unfailingly used to signify borders and they depend on wind to animate them, though weather knows no borders.
These flags will hardly fly, for they are deliberately oversized, borne down by their own weight of signification: raised on sculptural bases of wood and metal, but inlaid with patterns like those left by parasites, undermining the structural integrity of these aggressive constructs. These flags erected and abandoned, votive offerings at the mercy of the sky; the works completion is in its destruction, the final stroke will be had by the landscape itself.
(Leila Peacock)
Eröffnung mit Claudia & Christof
_14–18 Uhr, Furka Pass (Hotel Furkablick)
Wanderung mit Claudia & Christof
_11 Uhr Steingletscher Sustenpass
Camping mit Nammu (Niştiman Erdede & Bager Şen)
_Kiesgrube Hohentangen / Rheinufer
With the artist duo Nammu we camp on the banks of the Rhine, while we learn what Switzerland has to do with the division of Kurdistan (24.7.1923)
_15 Uhr Hauptbahnhof Zürich, Treffpunkt
gemeinsam Zugfahrt nach Eglisau , 1h am Rhein spazieren zur Fahne in der Kiesgrube Hohentangen, Feuer (bring your own food) und Performance von Nammu, optional Camping am Rheinufer
_24.7. Frühstück und Performance von Nammu (Teil 2)
Spazieren und baden mit Dragica Rajčić Holzner
_Mit der Schriftstellerin Dragica Rajčić Holzner spazieren wir (1h) zur Unter Nas: ein militär-historischer Irrsinn und ertauchen uns die -x-=+ Flagge.
_Treffpunkt: 11 Uhr, Ennetbürgen (Parkplatz Seerestaurant Schlüssel)
(Taucherbrillen, Schnorchel und Snäcks nicht vergesssen)
Moving Borders mit Andrea Bagnato & Marco Ferrari
_Capanna Corno Gries (SAC-Hütte)
_Treffpunkt: to be announced
Mit Andrea Bagnato & Marco Ferrari laufen wir entlang der Schweizer-Italienischen Grenze und diskutieren über das Konzept der Moving Borders. // With Andrea Bagnato & Marco Ferrari we walk along the Swiss-Italian border and discuss the concept of Moving Borders.
(Inklusive Übernachtung, bitte reservieren // Inclusive overnight stay, please register: contact@barthclaudia.com)
Finissage und Börek mit Christof & Claudia
_Victoria Bäckerei & Grill, Fahrweid
_Treffpunkt: 11 Uhr Busstation Tüffenwies ZH